Making Money While You Sleep With Stashaway (Robo Advisor)

By Marcus Seetoh - December 12, 2020

1. In summary
  • A hands-off approach to invest passively with the someone (advisor) purchasing and auto- balancing your portfolio on your behalf. All you need is to top up money and set your goals & parameters to begin. 

2. Competitive Advantage
  • Stashaway highlights the use of ERAA® (Economic Regime-based Asset Allocation) 
  • An all weather investment framework to diversify your investments into clusters of stocks, bonds, commodity, real estate mainly in the US, China markets etc. 
3. How was it so far?
  • I have been using Stashaway, a robo-advisor for more than a year. 
  • The returns are good and I have never lost money using this application.
  • I opened 5 different projects / portfolios to try the different risk levels and to figure out what were the best ways to generate the highest returns. Since then I have cashed out on 4 and now I keeping the remaining 1.
  • Have tried the Stashaway Simple (cash management) as well but the returns are slightly more towards the conservative side (1.4% P.A.) which was not really I was looking for. 
4. Pros
  • Can start investing as low as 50 SGD (*that's how I first started haha. But of course there are cons for doing this too).
  • Returns higher than your bank savings account (0.05% P.A.) or Singapore Savings Bonds
  • Both desktop and mobile version. Mobile user interface is awesome! 
  • Top up via Paynow, so convenient! 
  • Hands off passive approach to investing
  • For those with limited investing knowledge and just starting out (One of the best place to start learning how investing works)
  • Portfolio has auto-rebalancing logic which will be taken care by the advisor
  • All you need to do is to top up money inside and let the magic happens hahahah 😀
  • Using your Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) to fund for eg. Stashaway Simple (A higher level investing strategy)

5. Cons
  • Returns is slower and lower compared to individual growth stock purchase.
  • Pay monthly management fee (nothing is free and they help to balance your portfolio😁)
  • Funds invested are park in a custodian account which is not under your ownership. So regardless of what the company says, exercise due diligence in the total amount to top up here.

6. My Strategy: Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA).
  • I have tried monthly DCA, weekly DCA and even every alternate day DCA just to see how the returns will be impacted. 
  • At the beginning I was unsure of how to invest so I tried both ways of putting 10% (bond like) and 36% (stock like) for risk allocation. 
  • In the end, the 36% risk allocation returns were far more superior such that I decided to cash out on my 10% risk allocation project and just focus on this.
36% Risk

7. My Projects
1st:  cash out in 9 months, returns 1.89% (cannot remember risk allocation)
2nd: cash out in 5 months, returns 2.59% (cannot remember risk allocation)
3rd: cash out in 11 months, returns 1.85% (10% risk allocation)
4th: Stashaway Simple cash out in 8 months, returns 0.71% 

5th: 7 months till present, returns 10.31% 😍(36% risk allocation). This one I would do weekly DCA. You can see the multiple small 'staircases' which represents the top up intervals. 

Maybe Covid19 situation is an opportunity to invest. I plan to hold and invest in the mid term about 2 to 3 years minimally. 

I didnt see the point of putting in 10% risk allocation after trying different methods. If we want to use robo-advisor to invest, we should bear some risk and go all the way highest risk for highest return kind of mindset in my opinion.

A screenshot to show you that it is possible to make money if you learn the right way and know how to do this.
5th Project

8. User Experience: 
Top up:                    
Sign up:                   
Easy of use, UI:       
Effort to manage:     
Control of portfolio: 

9. Referral Code: 
If you have not signed up yet, can use my referral code 😆 to get up to 10K SGD, first
6 months management fee wavier upon topping up (excludes Stashaway Simple)

Regardless of my project performances, please do your homework and know what are the likely risks, whether you are comfortable before topping up cash to invest.

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